Monday 23 April 2012

Using social media for research and development

There are a wide range of uses for social media in all product development stages according to an opinion piece in Marketing Week by Michael Nutley. He argues that brands and companies have a lot to learn from harnessing customer views and input through online techniques. The three key areas are called co-creation, crowd sourcing and content creation and the article looks at their applications. Lego is an example of a brand that uses content creation i.e. ‘finding people within fan communities who were also talented amateurs in a particular area and could produce something you needed.” In Lego’s case adult enthusiasts created new product designs yet only wanted to be paid in bricks’. Elsewhere fashion brands develop virtual stores for fans to virtually shop in order to determine popular lines. For the full article and further examples visit

Thursday 19 April 2012

Event planners – excellent multi-taskers required

Designer, press officer, logistics manager, organization expert and financial officer. Just some of the roles that a successful event manager needs to play according to an article on careers website – As well as looking at these skills required for a successful event manager, the article notes the wide range of events where your skills might be required. From the more well-known examples such as product launches and conferences to large sporting and charity fundraisers or trade shows, event planners will be “responsible for every aspect”. There is a warning however about prospects. “The conference industry continues to grow rapidly…but bear in mind that hospitality budgets are swiftly cut when the economy goes through a downturn, so corporate event planning careers can have their ups and downs.” On the positive side, event planners can work in many different sectors and locations around the world. See full article about event planning here

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Get creative to get into advertising

To demonstrate your creativity for a job in advertising it might take more than just a C.V. according to an article from Guardian Careers. Michelle Greenhalgh is managing director at Saatchi S and recalls some of the more unusual ways that candidates have tried to attract attention. Some of the ways that would-be advertising executives try to make an application stand out include “cupcakes, customised Monopoly board games, cocktail making kits (complete with fresh limes and tequila) and a life-size human cardboard cut-out.” Michelle explains that some strange approaches actually work as advertising doesn’t necessarily need ‘a formal degree. Anyone can be brilliant.” Her tips for making an impression include “Have an idea…that will delight or challenge’ and ‘Get in wherever you can. Start somewhere, but don't get stuck where you don't want to be.’ Read the full article (including how Alex Blacklock got a job at Saatchi &Saatchi) here:

Monday 2 April 2012

‘Likeonomics’ – a new marketing term for 2012?

New technologies and associated marketing initiatives can bring new vocabulary for marketers to absorb – with some more likely to catch on than others. In a Marketing Week article, four marketing experts introduce new terms as well as their opinions on whether they will last. Lucy Handley looks at ‘likeonomics’, the subject of a recent book by Rohit Bhargava. Although the term comes from how some ‘marketers around the world obsess over Facebook’s ‘like’ button’ the article looks at the importance of the consumer trust in a brand, citing examples such as John Lewis. Another new term that also involves the rise of social media is SoLoMo, blending the trends of social, local and mobile with a definition of ‘targeting consumers based on their current location with content or promotions designed to be shared via social networks.’ Tempted to know the other two? Read the full article on Marketing Week’s website.